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Emotional Intelligence

Handling Criticism
The dictionary definition of criticism is:

“The expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.”

The important point to note here is the inclusion of the word “perceived” because like it or not, sometimes the criticism we receive will feel unfair.

How we react to feedback will be influenced by whether the criticism we receive is based on facts we accept or perceptions we don’t fully agree with.

When we are on the receiving end of criticism, we can do one of three things:
  1. Feel hurt by it.
  2. Ignore it.
  3. Learn from it.

Nobody wins if we choose the first one, so the following tips are designed to:

  • Help you choose which of the other two options should apply.
  • Help you respond to cricism in a way that helps you the most.
How to Say No
People who are assertive are able to confidently express their opinions, needs or feelings without ignoring or forgetting the opinions, needs or feelings of others.

It sounds very simple, but the reality is that most of us like to be liked; we like to be seen as a good colleague or friend. This can result in times when we go against our better judgement in order to avoid conflict. However, our inability to say ‘no’ when required can cause unnecessary stress and mean that we struggle with managing our time.

So here are some tips to help make it easier to say 'no' when the situation requires it.